Local Visitor Information Centers

Blue Hill Peninsula

Blue Hill Peninsula Chamber of Commerce visit website

Main Street Bucksport visit website

Castine Visitor Center visit website
Main & Water Sts., Castine

Deer Isle-Stonington Chamber of Commerce visit website

Ellsworth Area

Ellsworth Area Chamber of Commerce visit website

Heart of Ellsworth visit website

Mount Desert Island

Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce visit website

Mount Desert Island Visitor Center at Thompson Island
1319 Bar Harbor Rd., Trenton

Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce visit website

Southwest Harbor-Tremont Chamber of Commerce visit website

Trenton Chamber of Commerce visit website

Schoodic to Jonesport

Schoodic Area Chamber of Commerce visit website
Winter Harbor 

Schooner Gallery Information Center
59 Main St., Milbridge

Machias Bay

Machias Bay Area Chamber visit website

Way DownEast

Eastport Area Chamber of Commerce visit website

Association to Promote and Protect the Lubec Environment visit website

Roosevelt Campobello International Park visit website

Campobello Island visit website

Maine State Visitor Center
39 Union St., Calais

St. Croix Valley Chamber of Commerce visit website

St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada visit website

St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada visit website

Grand Lakes

Grand Lake Stream Chamber of Commerce visit website 

Greater East Grand Lake Chamber of Commerce visit website

Aroostook County visit website

Katahdin Area Chamber of Commerce visit website

Visitor Safety Information and Laws

Maine Hands-Free Driving Law
Maine law prohibits talking, texting, or using a hand-held device while driving, stopped at a stoplight, or in stopped traffic. Fines up to $250. 

Maine Marijuana Law
In Maine adults over 21 years of age can possess up to 2.5 ozs. (70 gms.) of marijuana and consume recreational marijuana on private property. No one can consume cannabis in public or on federal land; it is illegal. Get up-to-date facts on Maine’s Adult Use marijuana laws. 

Maine Speed Limits
Be sure to follow all posted speed limits. Fines for speeding are at least $50 by law. Exceeding the speed limit by 30 mph (50 km/h) or more is considered a criminal offense.

Wear Your Seatbelt
Drivers and passengers must wear a seatbelt at all times.

Road Conditions & Traffic Info visit website
866-282-7578 – 511 from any phone 

US-Canada Border Crossing visit website
800-461-999 (within Canada) -204-983-3500 or 506-636-5064 (outside Canada)

Fishing and Boating Information, and Public Boat Launches visit website

ATV & Snowmobile Information visit website

Biking Safety & Rules visit website

Ocean Paddling Safety & Rules visit website

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